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Based upon FOIA Requests, Biomarker Evidence, and historical proof, I highly believe and concur that this is a CIA/DOD Targeting program to eradicate citizens around the world via PsyOps and Directed Energy Weapons. Below is my proof and reasoning. By my own inference, it is a Joint Operation of both the CIA and DOD. It uses a combination of Gaslighting and Torture to place Targeted Individuals into prisons or mental hospitals, so they will never be believed and considered to be credible or “worthy citizens”. I highly believe this program is a continuation of the MKUltra program, which was a joint CIA and military testing program. This program’s intentions, which were never official declared, are considered to be a testing program for silencing or destroying the lives of individuals for military or political purposes. It experimented on innocent United States Citizens. The CIA FOIA Request from Targeted Individuals Data & Documents resulted in a GLOMAR response of “we can neither can neither confirm or deny the existence of such documents”. After many legal battles and FOIA requests, the CIA released many documents of Program MKUltra, though most documents are heavily redacted and still missing. You can download and read them here:
I. Psychological Operations is operated by not only the 8th Psychological Group of the United States Army (PsyOps), but also exists as a separate division of the Central Intelligence Agency. The PsyOps manual on the Documents page shows proof of existence in the United States, under the Umbrella Mission term “Homeland Security”. The 8th Psychological Group of the United States Army denied any existence of testing or using Directed Energy Weapons on United States citizens. The CIA PsyOps groups remains extremely secretive for it’s purpose other than this declaration:
Psychological operations was assigned to the pre-CIA Office of Policy Coordination, with oversight by the Department of State.[13] The overall psychological operations of the United States, overt and covert, were to be under the policy direction of the U.S. Department of State during peacetime and the early stages of war:
The Secretary of State shall be responsible for:
(1) The formulation of policies and plans for a national foreign information program in time of peace. This program shall include all foreign information activities conducted by departments and agencies of the U. S. Government.[13]
(2) The formulation of national psychological warfare policy in time of national emergency and the initial stages of war.[13]
(3) The coordination of policies and plans for the national foreign information program and for overt psychological warfare with the Department of Defense, with other appropriate departments and agencies of the U.S. Government, and with related planning…[13]
(4) Plans prepared by this organization for overt psychological
warfare in time of national emergency or the initial stages of war shall
provide for:[13]
a. Coordination of overt psychological warfare with:
Covert psychological warfare.
Domestic information.[13]
b. The employment and expansion, insofar as is feasible, of the activities and facilities which compose the national foreign information program in time of peace, in order to assure rapid transition to operations in time of national emergency or war.[13]
c. Control of the execution of approved plans and policies by:
(1) the Department of Defense in theaters of military operations;
(2) the Department of State in areas other than theaters of military operations.[13]
d. Transmittal of approved psychological warfare plans and policies to theater commanders through the Joint Chiefs of Staff.[13]
After the OPC was consolidated into the CIA,[5] there has been a psychological operations staff, under various names, in what has variously been named the Deputy Directorate of Plans, the Directorate of Operations, or the National Clandestine Service.
II. Directed Energy Weapon Technologies and Microwave Hearing Technologies were created by the Air Force Research Laboratory, DARPA, and the Defense Contractors Raytheon and BAE Systems. These technologies “potential uses” by the Air Force have admittedly been PsyOps. Within the Documents section of this website is an Air Force document, which shows direct proof of the PsyOps objective.
I. Political: the CIA in combination with the military has destroyed and created “Democratic Nations” historically. This usually entails the killing of a favorable Socialist, Communist, Marxist, and even actually Democratic leaders and the following installation of a Dictator. The possibility of this occurring in the past, present, and future within the United States is highly likely, as the CIA admittedly created Propaganda under the official term Planted News, which is popularly known as “Fake News”. An example is Operation Mockingbird.
Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.[1]
According to writer Deborah Davis, Operation Mockingbird recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network and oversaw the operations of front groups. CIA support of front groups was exposed after a 1967 Ramparts magazine article reported that the National Student Association received funding from the CIA. In the 1970s, Congressional investigations and reports also revealed Agency connections with journalists and civic groups. None of these reports, however, mentions an Operation Mockingbird coordinating or supporting these activities.
A Project Mockingbird is mentioned in the CIA Family Jewels report, compiled in the mid-1970s. According to the declassified version of the report released in 2007, Project Mockingbird involved the wire-tapping of two American journalists for several months in the early 1960s.
II. Another objective appears to be to silence those who have heard, seen, or read classified information or programs. Whistleblowers, Snowden-leaks readers, WikiLeaks Readers, hackers, and ex-military members appear to be Targeted for this reason under this program. The ultimate purpose is to silence those who have intelligence of classified information and to prevent the dissemination of intel to other people via word of mouth, social media, or recordings.
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