Focused on the Threat: Directed Energy Weapons (Part 3 of 6) – Space Systems Command
Focused on the Threat: Directed Energy Weapons (Part 3 of 6) Space Systems Command
Focused on the Threat: Directed Energy Weapons (Part 3 of 6) Space Systems Command
AFRL to highlight tech to ‘achieve decisive advantage in an age of growing threats’ at 202 Air Force Link
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Market is expected to generate a revenue of USD 10.86 Billion by 2031, Globally, at 14.61%
Anomalous Health Incidents a.k.a. “Havana Syndrome” American Bar Association
CIA May Have Derailed Research Into ‘Havana Syndrome’ Gizmodo
Havana Syndrome—Americans Affected by Mysterious Symptoms May Struggle to Get Care | U.S. GAO Government Accountability Office
As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts CBS News
DARPA Has a “Weird” Plan to Aid People in Authoritarian Regimes Using Hidden Networks The Debrief
F.B.I. Releases Redacted Report on Havana Syndrome The New York Times
The state of clinical trials of implantable brain–computer interfaces