CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation – The Guardian
CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation The Guardian Exclusive: Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors
CIA torture appears to have broken spy agency rule on human experimentation The Guardian Exclusive: Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors
Medical Research: The Dangers to the Human Subjects The New York Review of Books Every year millions of Americans (no one
Continue readingMedical Research: The Dangers to the Human Subjects – The New York Review of Books
‘Human experimentation’ and the CIA: read the previously classified document The Guardian The guidelines, published here for the first time, were
7 famous psych studies with troubling backstories Popular Science Some of your favorite stories from the history of psychology deserve a
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TED 2018: Thought-Reading Machines and the Death of Love WIRED A new holographic technology promises to replace expensive medical imaging. But
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Could you be sacked for your THOUGHTS? Daily Mail Nita Farahany (pictured), a professor of law and philosophy at Duke University,
Continue readingCould you be sacked for your THOUGHTS? – Daily Mail
Pain, Suffering, and the History of Human Experimentation Healthline From surgeries without anesthesia to clinical trials performed overseas, the history of
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Experimenting On The Health Of The Poor: Inside Stewart v. Azar Health Affairs Two Medicaid work demonstrations have now been approved:
Continue readingExperimenting On The Health Of The Poor: Inside Stewart v. Azar – Health Affairs
Outrage of the Month: A Steady Stream of Unethical Human Experiments Huffington Post On June 16, 1966, Dr. Henry Beecher, then
How to edit a human | 1843 The Economist 1843 For decades scientists aspired to modify the code of life. Tom
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